
Роликовые накатники TIZ Implements позволяют вести обработку сферических, конусных, торцевых, цилиндрических, внутренних и наружных поверхностей. Это позволяет увеличить твёрдость поверхности даже при низкой точности настройки инструмента (точности измерения) при накатке. Благодаря своей эффективности и скорости, инструмент сокращает время обработки, идеально зарекомендовал себя в серийном производстве.


Dual mounted  inserts

Additional fixing is designed to operate as a double lock in conjunction with a conical screw.

Cassette lock

The cassette is fitted to the body of the head. The centrifugal forces acting on the cassette are neutralized by the cartridge wedge profile and fitting shape of milling head.

Enclosed cartridge screw

Unique cartridge cover and milling head fixing screw. Potential fractures remains in the steel cartridge – screw don’t have enough space to eject.

Increase productivity

Micro adjustable

Easy cartridge adjustment with micron accuracy. All heads are factory-set within height +/- 0.01 using Johansson blocks.

Internal coolant supply

Cooling ports are aimed at cutting edge to increase tool life and improve surface finish.

Wiper radius

The unique geometry of the chip breaker exceeds the efficiency of traditional methods. Milling head with inserts having our chip breaker geometry, allows for perfect surface finish.


Cooling system cover

The optional coolant cover is available at larger sizes of heads to provide a coolant to the cutting edges at 360 degrees. Balanced and securely mounted to maintain a steady flow of coolant at maximum milling head speed. Made from the same lightweight aircraft aluminum 7075-T6 as milling head to ensure long life.

See the brochure


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