Cutting tools market is beginning to resemble a household or electronics market. Manufacturers are trying to invent ever-new names for products with identical properties. It is increasingly difficult to find valuable and truly innovative products. The cutting tools market also finds a lot of similar products from different suppliers. To find out which of them are the best in given conditions, it is necessary to carry out tests. TIZ systems solve this problem.
Our company has an extensive network of distributors throughout Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Russia. In the future, we plan to expand our business to other countries.
As an engineering company, we offer comprehensive solutions in the field of machining. In its activities, the focus is not only on the production and distribution of high-performance cutting tools, but also on the professional technical support in the field of machining and the correct selection of tools. Moreover, we implement modern industrial solutions.
In the offer, we have a wide range of tools and multiple cutting edge inserts for all turning operations. The combination of different carbides and protective coatings allows to get the maximum tool life and efficiency.
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“Implementation of B2B system to streamline cooperation with customers in the bidding, sales and billing”
Co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Operational Programme Innovative Economy 2007-2013.
action 8.2
The term of the project: 07/01/2014 – 10/31/2015
„Implementation of the Export Development Plan milestone in the development of TIZ-IMPLEMENS Limited Liability Company”
TIZ-IMPLEMENS Limited Liability Company
Implementation period: 2013 – 2015